Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Long way 'off road'

Well, today, another trip to Hidden Temple in Yogyakarta and Prambanan Temple of Hinduism and Buddha. I think I learn a lot about religion in Javanese perspective. The mixture of big religions which come from another country and the local belief that is animism-dynamism (worship spirits in nature things and worship ancestors). I think it is good to keep our culture if it is good for ourselves.

Before I go deeper to what I'm learning, I want to tell you about the way on the trip. We passed the alternative road, not the main road. Why? Actually, it is more challenging, the road is not smooth, it is an off road way. The road is sandy and rocky, and it is a winding road with the raving in one side. But, the advantage is we can see beautiful scenery such as rice fields, mountain and hills, plantation, villages, and many more. Another advantage is we can see how Hinduism and Buddhism spread in Yogyakarta, because we will see some small and bigger temples from higher place. Wonderful: it's the word to say about the view. :D

This is Candi Ijo, the highest Temple in Yogyakarta

Candi Barong (This is the hardest to get there)

Bigger than the other hidden temples, more detail than others, more information. Candi Plaosan.

Yeah, I'll continue my experience and my learning as soon as possible... Sorry to make you curious!

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